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✅ Yes, the content seems to be true and authentic, as reported by several sources.
These, include:
1. https://www.nist.gov/news-events/news/2024/11/fact-sheet-us-department-commerce-us-department-state-launch-international - (Trust Score 8/10)
- The U.S. Department of Commerce and U.S. Department of State are co-hosting the inaugural convening of the International Network of AI Safety Institutes.
2. https://time.com/7178133/international-network-ai-safety-institutes-convening-gina-raimondo-national-security/ - (Trust Score 7/10)
- U.S. Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo emphasized the importance of international collaboration on AI safety amid growing national security concerns.
3. https://www.ansi.org/standards-news/all-news/2024/11/11-25-24-us-launches-international-ai-safety-network-with-global-partners - (Trust Score 8/10)
- The U.S. has launched an international network to advance AI safety, focusing on managing synthetic content risks, testing foundation models, and conducting risk assessments for advanced AI systems.